NPCA visits the Nicholas School and Park Institute


The Park Institute coordinated a three-day campus visit by the National Parks Conservation Association to the Nicholas School of the Environment this week. Members of NPCA's Conservation Science team - Dr. Ryan Valdez, Nik Moy, and Amy Tian - were joined by the region's Assistant Director, Dr. Eboni Preston Goddard, to lead a series of guided conservation discussions and student engagement events.

Duke Conservation Society co-hosted the first discussion showcasing the NPCA team's experiences working in the conservation field. Over 60 graduate and undergraduate students showed up to learn about the multiple disciplines required for successful conservation, how conservation projects unfold, and the value of working with partner organizations. Three case studies highlighted NPCA's collaborative work: their 30x30 Initiative with NatureServe, protecting the Endangered Species Act with Defenders of Wildlife, and promoting coastal resiliency with Applied Ocean Sciences.

NPCA's Talent Acquisition Director, Amanda Gallina, also joined several events to share information about graduate fellowship and full-time employment opportunities are regularly available at NPCA. Students had the opportunity to provide feedback on NPCA's newest fellowship concept being piloted in summer of 2024: the Conservation Data Fellowship Program. More details to follow shortly on this innovative collaboration between NPCA, the Park Institute, and the Nicholas School.

Thanks to both NPCA staff and Nic School students for making this campus visit so successful.

Tyler Sammis